Thursday, September 30, 2010

BlackBerry announces PlayBook

The announcement of RIM's eagerly-anticipated assault on the tablet computer market was as elegant as its enterprise-led handsets. It will not rush the Playbook out in time for the festive season and those likely to get the most from their new tablet device will be those that already own a BlackBerry, it seems.

Without further ado, the specifications:
• 7in touchscreen (same as Samsung Galaxy Tab, 2.7in smaller than Apple iPad)
• BlackBerry Tablet OS built on architecture by recently-acquired QNX
• 1 GHz dual-core processor
• 1 GB RAM
• HD video playback
• HDMI video outputJuly 7 2008:
• Bluetooth 2.1
• MicroHDMI and microUSB ports
• Support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1
• Dimensions: 5.1″x7.6″x0.4″
• Weight: 400g (Apple iPad: 680-730g; Samsung Galaxy Tab: 380g)
• Able to connect to BlackBerry Enterprise Servers
• Pairing with BlackBerry handsets
• Ability to connect to 3G network on existing BlackBerry data plan

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