After many weeks of rumors and speculation, Samsung has officially unveiled its Galaxy Tab, a tablet device running the Android mobile OS. While smaller than an Apple iPad, the Galaxy Tab features front and rear cameras, a 1 GHz processor and the ability to be used as a phone via either speakerphone or a Bluetooth headset.
Samsung has unveiled its much-discussed Galaxy Tab Android-powered tablet at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin, Germany.The device runs Android 2.2, has a seven-inch display, and focuses on connectivity and entertainment.
It also enables video conferencing and can be used as a mobile phone.
"This is a true alternative to the iPad and is vastly more capable," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It showcases what Android devices can do and is a strong counterpoint to the built-in limitations of the iPad." Elbow-Smashing the iPad .
The Galaxy Tab weighs much less than the iPad, which is almost twice as heavy at about 24 ounces. However, that's not its only advantage over Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) product.Samsung will begin shipping the Galaxy Tab to Europe in mid-September. It will ship the device to the United States and Asia later.
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